Apparently, someone has offered to Etsy handmade replicas of Hello Kitty wedding gowns for brides who can not get their hands on to Japan. It seems that he took the site down on Etsy, because I can not find it. However, I did some poking around the Internet, and apparently there are four models of Sanrio Hello Kitty wedding dress, but none of them is not as complex as a rose.
The white wedding dress Hello Kitty is probably the easiest of the group and the only one who looks like a traditional white dress. I'm not a big fan of the skin and I think it would be much better without the sleeves.
I like the way the wedding dress has a kind of look slut bar sleeves and neckline. The cotton fabric makes the dress look really informal and it would be cute as a costume, but not like a wedding dress.
The red velvet dress Hello Kitty wedding is my favorite of all. I love the rich red color and the overall design, although I can not imagine how hot and uncomfortable to dress could be. Again, it was probably designed for colder climates, and not for the tropical heat in the Philippines.
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